
Date: Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th February

Retreat Leader: Francois Schick

Requirements: No Requirements Necessary. This course is aimed at students with some understanding of meditation who would like to improve their practice. Also suitable for beginners.

Cost: Generosity Model – Donation only (via the donation form at the bottom of the page; no suggested amount).

Format: Online only

Start and Finish times: Four online sessions over two days (10-12pm and 2pm-4pm). Students will be encouraged to practice the techniques in self led sessions in the evening and early morning.

About the Retreat

Meditation is a wonderful tool, designed primarily to enhance the strength of our spiritual discoveries and more efficiently transform our mind. It provides two major ingredients unabling that transformation: a strong mental intensity, making everything we reflect on more vibrant, and a long lasting awareness, enabling us to remain in this state for a long time. And on the way, it brings many other benefits, in body and mind: from general well-being, to increased cognitive functions, to reduced stress and disturbing emotions.

As you will discover, in the Indo-tibetan tradition, meditation is far more than silent reflection or a mind with no thoughts.

This two day course is aimed at students with some understanding of meditation who would like to improve their practice. Also suitable for beginners.

In this two days course, participants will learn about:

  • Concentration in listening, reflecting and meditating.
  • What is the difference between the two types of meditation? Discerning/analytical meditation and placement meditation.
  • How to conduct your reflection on the topics of the Lam Rim and meditate on it.
  • How to organise a daily practice

About the Teacher

François Schick has a unique skill in facilitating the practice of meditation. He can present the traditional treasures in a non-traditional way, bridging the classic buddhist texts to our times, taking into account the unique challenges we encounter nowadays.

Formerly trained as an actor, François discovered Buddhism via Japanese poetry. An avid meditator for almost 15 years, François Schick completed a five-year study program at Nalanda Monastery, which he followed with a three-month solitary retreat in the Sierra Nevada mountains. He is certified with the FPMT. Since then, he has dedicated his life to the dharma, alternating periods of study and teaching, with spiritual retreats (including a six-month solitary retreat in 2022 in the Alps on calm abiding, guided by Alan Wallace). This is a subject that is close to his heart. He is currently writing a book about it.

He has taught, among others, “Discovering Buddhism”, “Science of the mind”, “Taking care of the planet”. François Schick is appreciated for his approach to teaching that is as rigorous as it is modern, accessible and lively.

A Way to Say Thank You

To Land of Joy…

Our generosity model means we do not charge for any teachings, accommodation or food. We are therefore 100% dependant on donations to help us cover our £90,000 a year running costs.

You are therefore invited to give what you can as a thank you for the organisation and hosting of the retreat, including the food and accommodation provided if you stayed onsite.

You may also like to make a regular contribution to the centre by becoming a Branch of Joy. This kind of support gifts us a steady and ongoing income, which in turn provides the confidence and means for us to continue to flourish for many years to come.

Everything given will ensure Land of Joy continues to be offered as a precious place for retreat.

To The Teacher…

Teachers and retreat leaders practice generosity by freely offering their time to Land of Joy. We cover their travel expenses but do not pay them for the teachings they give.

You are therefore invited to make an offering to the teacher as a thank you for the time and knowledge they share.

To The Volunteers…

Our retreats are supported by our wonderful team of volunteers, some of whom you will meet during your time at the centre. Those who live onsite offer their time, expertise and dedication in return for food and accommodation. They do not receive a wage or stipend. Unfortunately, we are only able to accept offerings for them in cash, so if you would like to thank them for their service, please do so by bringing cash with you to the centre and placing it in the volunteer collection pot.