Balanced Body, Balanced Mind – Resources
With Lou Beaumont: 28th & 29th November 2020
The aim of this weekend will be to get in touch with our subtle energy through the basic practice of pranayama breathing exercise & gentle qigong movement.
Pranayama is an ancient system of breathing exercises associated with the practice of hatha yoga (physical posture/asana yoga) By controlling the breath we can energise the body keeping it fit & healthy for everyday life, at the same time these exercises calm and focus the mind making it an ideal preparation for all forms of meditation.
Qigong/chi gong is a holistic system of coordinated body movement and breathing working with the basis of chi. Qigong forms are simple to do but deeply effective for both health & well being, becoming sensitive to the energy around us & flowing within us helps to balance the body & mind. It is another great aid to meditation or just going with the flow.
During the weekend we will be doing regular short meditation sessions, based on working with and experiencing our prana chi energy. For everyone who studied with the material Lou provided at the beginning of the year this course will be a great opportunity to deepen your knowledge and ask question during the guided Zoom sessions.
About Lou
Lou first came to yoga in her early twenties & has been practising hatha yoga & pranayama for many years. She is a qualified Wheel of Yoga teacher & has been fortunate to have special instruction from a great teacher on classical pranayama which she would very much like to share with you.
She started Tai Chi classes, in Spain where she lives about ten years ago with her teacher a student of the Spanish lineage holder of the Hun Yuan style. The chi gong she will be showing you is from that school which has a flowing, gentle style which anyone can easily practice enjoy & benefit from.
Pranayama Resources
Here are some resources in pdf format which Lou compiled for you. You can print them out and use them as a support in your practice.
Pranayama Class Notes