Course Recordings
As many of you know, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we took the decision to stop hosting group retreats on site until the situation is safe enough once again. We still have the strong wish to continue to support you during this challenging time so decided to make our course recordings available to enable you connect to teachings and other resources we hope will help you through these challenging times and beyond.
Clicking on a retreat will take you through to a new page where you will find all the relevant resources to help you set up and complete a retreat at home. Please be aware some of the pages are password protected due to the nature of their content or how they were recorded. To receive the password please email and let us know which set you are trying to access. We will then send you the password.
If you would like to make an offering to the centre as a thank you for creating and making these resources available please do so at the bottom of the page.