Meditation in Movement
With Lou Beaumont: 10th – 11th April
During this weekend we will be doing some simple pranayama breathing exercises and gentle chi gong movement, linking these with short meditation sessions. Over years of practise Lou has experienced what a support to meditation working with prana/chi energy is and she would like to share this with you.
Through gentle movement we can release the tensions of the body allowing the mind to expand and easily relax into meditation making sitting on our cushion a much more profound and also more comfortable experience!
In the hatha yoga tradition of Patanjali it is said that on a basis of ethics we should first control the body then the breath and then withdraw the mind into concentration and shamatha. It is a classic approach you can try out for yourself during this weekend.
About Lou

Lou first came to yoga in her early twenties & has been practising hatha yoga & pranayama for many years. She is a qualified British Wheel of Yoga teacher & has been fortunate to have special instruction from a great teacher on classical pranayama which she would very much like to share with you.
She started Tai Chi classes in Spain, where she currently lives, about ten years ago. She feels very fortunate to have as her teacher a close student of the Spanish Hun Yuan lineage holder. The Qigong you will be doing together with Lou is from that school. It has a gentle flowing style that anyone can easily practice & benefit from.
Lou has also completed nine years of buddhist study online by completing three FPMT education programmes: The Foundation of Buddhist Thought, a two year course with Geshe Tashi; The Lam Rim, a two year course with Geshe Tashi and The Basic Programme, a five year FPMT course with Nalanda Monastery, France. Lou has also completed a number of retreats.
Materials/PDF files to download or print
Audio and Video of Zoom Sessions
Day 1
Session One
Session Two
Session Three
Day 2
Session One
Session Two
Session Three
A Way to Say Thank You
Please use the form below if you would like to make an offering to Land of Joy as a thank you for making these recordings available. Any offering will be a big help and very gratefully received as the unexpected closure of the centre is having a big impact of our finances. However, we very much appreciate many people are experiencing economical and financial challenges during these unpredictable times and therefore might not be able to support us at the moment.
Thank you and may you be entirely happy.
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