The householder who is a faithful seeker and in whom dwells truth, Dharma, steadiness, and generosity, does not sorrow when he or she passes away.
– The Buddha
Leaving a legacy to Land of Joy is one of the most wonderful gifts you could ever make. You can be sure that any donation you make to us will be used most wisely, to ensure we continue to provide and expand this source of peace, loving-kindness and wisdom for both present and future generations.
Your generosity could make a huge difference to a small charity like Land of Joy and even a little can mean a lot!
Whatever you decide to leave us, please ensure the correct wording is used in your will including these details:
Land of Joy, Greenhaugh Hall, Greenhaugh, Hexham, Northumberland, NE48 1PP
Registered Charity Number: 1138826
To assist you in making a will we recommend that you use a firm of solicitors.
If you do decide to leave a gift in your will to Land of Joy, we would love it if you let us know (contact us at, as we would like to have the opportunity to show you how your support will help us. However, this is obviously your choice – there is no obligation to share this information with us if you don’t wish to do so.
After my earthly remains have been dispersed I wonder what it would be like to have done something useful. What a gift – so little effort from me and hopefully hundreds or even thousands will benefit in the future.
– Steve Cragg, Leeds