Date: Monday 1st until Saturday 6th July
Retreat Leader: Ray Furminger
Requirements: Everyone is welcome
Cost: Generosity Model – Donation only (via the donation form at the bottom of the page; no suggested amount).
Format: Onsite Only
Start and Finish times: A schedule will be released closer to the time.
Accommodation: Land of Joy wishes for everyone who visits the centre to feel welcome, accepted, safe and secure. Our accommodation options are very limited, with mostly single-sex shared accommodation and only one single room (which is sometimes needed by volunteers). This means single accommodation can only be offered to those who need it the most, but still won’t always be available. Camping can be an option at certain times of year if you have your own tent but space is very limited. Please read the relevant sections of the booking form carefully.
About the Retreat
For the Benefit of All – Generating A Positive Motivation
An experiential meditation retreat working with the ways of generating a positive motivation for our daily practice.
The lam. rim (stages of the path) tradition is divided into three sections that correspond to different levels of aspiration or motivation from wishing for our own favourable rebirth to the great mind of bodhicitta – wishing to attain complete enlightenment ourselves in order to benefit all beings. Our ability to achieve each of these levels depends on our developing a strong and heartfelt motivation.
We will engage in the meditations on:
The “Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind” (precious human rebirth, death and impermanence, karma and the nature of samsara),
The ways of developing the altruistic motivation of bodhichitta and
The tong.Len (taking and giving) meditation from the lo. jong (mind training) tradition
We shall set these gently within the short practice of Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion, whose blessings can help us achieve the precious mind of bodhichitta.
This retreat is for anyone who wants to develop a clear and practical method for developing good motivation that can be easily and quickly applied to their everyday practice.
As this is not a teaching course but an experiential meditation retreat, it is especially suitable for those who have a basic or more advanced grounding in Buddhist philosophy. Beginners are also welcome although doing some prior background reading on the topics above will help you experience the benefits of the retreat greatly.
About the Teacher
![Ray’s Publicity Picture](