Healing The Body, Mind & Spirit with Love, Compassion & Wisdom
HEALING THE BODY, MIND & SPIRIT WITH LOVE, COMPASSION & WISDOM 2024 Resource PageManager2024-10-28T20:20:11+00:00
Date: Thursday 24th – Sunday 27th October
Retreat Leader: Paula Chichester
Requirements: Everyone is welcome
Cost:GenerosityModel – Donation only (via the donation form at the bottom of the page; no suggested amount).
Format: Onsite and Online (hybrid).
Recordings will appear here after they have been processed
Day 1
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
Recording 4
Recording 5
Day 2
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
Recording 4
Recording 5
About the Teacher
Paula began her studies of Buddhism when she was 14 at Berkeley High School in California where she realized liberating delusion was key to healing our planet and its inhabitants. The focus on systems theory and ecology at university prepared her to apply the whole body/mind/culture/ environment to this ancient contemplative discipline of human transformation.
As a dancer, healer, singer, student of psychology and ecology, she brings all these elements into the understanding of the whole person and how tantra works in this greater context – while preserving the classical format of Lama Tsong Khapa’s ear-whispered lineage.
Inspired by the example of the meditators in Dharamsala and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, she devoted the last 34 years to following the guidance those she calls her awesome, amazing teachers, primarily Lama Thubten Yeshe, Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche and Kyabje Ribur Rinpoche. — which included 24 years preparing for and completing long retreats — 2 of which were 4 year solitary great maha-anuttara yoga retreats.
She studies with teachers from all 4 schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Her goal in life has been steady since childhood: to realize Mahamudra and do all she can to bring peace and environmental justice to our world.
Find out more about Paula and many other materials and resources which can support you in your practice on her website: http://braveview.org