Date: 22nd- 23rd July
Retreat Leader: Michael Murray
Requirements: Everyone is welcome
Cost: Generosity Model – Donation only (via the donation form at the bottom of the page; no set amount)
Format: Online. Please note you will still need to book a place if attending online.
Start & Finish Times: 09.15 Saturday 22nd to 13.00 Sunday 23rd
Accommodation: Land of Joy wishes for everyone who visits the centre to feel welcome, accepted, safe and secure. Our accommodation options are very limited, with mostly single sex shared accommodation and only one single room (which is sometimes needed by volunteers). This means single accommodation can only be offered to those who need it the most, but still won’t always be available. Camping can be an option at certain times of year if you have your own tent but space is very limited. Please read the relevant sections of the booking form carefully.
About the Weekend
Tantric Buddhism is a key part of Tibetan Buddhism. Used wisely, it can be a powerful tool to fully open our hearts and to set ourselves free from the hallucinations and superstitions that block us from expanding authentically into our true potential. Used wisely, it can reinforce those very attitudes and behaviours that keep us repeating mistakes over and over again. This weekend will cover both aspects.
The weekend will gently explore some of the underlying ideas and key practices found in Buddhist Tantra in a ‘suck it and see’ experimental experiential way. The sessions will be interactive with plenty of time for questions and discussion.
About the Teacher

Mike has studied Buddhism for nearly forty years. He has been connected with Jamyang London Buddhist Centre for many years – as a student, as Spiritual Programme Coordinator, even as Director.
He is an FPMT registered teacher and is currently a teaching assistant on the FPMY Basic Programme at Jamyang London taught by Geshe Namdak and is studying with him. Mike is also a student of the previous resident teacher at Jamyang London, Geshe Tashi Tsering.
Since 2017 Mike has been looking after his Mum, enabling her to die at home in September 2022, as she wished. Before that he gave up work to help his Dad to fulfil his wish to die peacefully at home in June 2017.
Mike has deep knowledge of Buddhism in theory and in practice. His teaching style is informal, humorous and interactive.