Date: Every third Wednesday of the month
Group Leader: Paula Chichester
Requirements: Everyone is welcome who has a White Tara, Kriya Yoga Tantra or Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerment
Format: The practice group meets via Zoom
Start and Finish times: The practice group starts at 5:00pm GMT and takes about 2hrs, once you booked in, the Zoom link will be send to you via email.
About the White Tara Practice Group
Glorious White Tara is the healer of all ills and giver of long life. This beautiful practice will be the foundation for our online practice group.
White Tara is a favorite of our teachers so we will be dedicating the power of this practice to the long lives of our gurus. We can also use the practice to heal others and energise our already existing healing practices, whatever they are.
Paula has kindly offered to guide a monthly White Tara practice group since the participants of the White Tara retreats in 2019 and 2020 had the wish to continue to practice together.
If you are new to his group and haven’t joined before you are welcome to book in for this month or next months group (the group meets every third Wednesday of the month) if you have received a the White Tara Empowerment or any Kriya – and/or Highest Yoga Tantra Initiation from a qualified Tibetan Lama. In case of doubts contact:
Once you have booked in, you will receive the Zoom link to join the group online and a link to access the resources you will need in order to follow the practice.
It is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your practice and students who will come for the first time have the chance to develop a stable understanding of the White Tara practice over time.