Introduction to Tantra
With Mike Murray: 22nd – 23rd July 2023
Tantric Buddhism is a key part of Tibetan Buddhism. Used wisely, it can be a powerful tool to fully open our hearts and to set ourselves free from the hallucinations and superstitions that block us from expanding authentically into our true potential. Used unwisely, it can reinforce those very attitudes and behaviours that keep us repeating the same mistakes over and over again. This weekend we will cover both aspects.
This weekend we will gently explore some of the underlying ideas and key practices found in Buddhist Tantra in a “suck it and see” experimental experiential way. The sessions will be interactive with plenty of time for questions and discussion.
Suitable for all but you will get more out of the weekend if you have at least some familiarity with the general flow of the Tibetan Buddhist way of developing your inner potential.