Date: 16th – 22nd November
Retreat Leader: Paula Chichester
Requirements: Open to those with a six session guru yoga practice commitment.
Cost: Generosity Model – Donation only (via the donation form at the bottom of the page).
Format: Onsite and Online (hybrid)
About the Retreat
Six Session Guru Yoga was written by Kyabje Pabonka Rinpoche in the early 20th Century. Since that time, it has become a standard commitment in the Gelug Sect as a daily recitation/meditation after one has taken a highest yoga tantra empowerment. Guru Yoga is said to be the heart of Tibetan Buddhist Practice. In this long weekend, we will practice all three versions of the Six Session and explore the commentary, the vows and learn how “to do it” so it works for us. How can this guru yoga heal our mind/body/spirit and deepen our understanding and experience of enlightenment?—all within the context of the great wish to free all beings from confusion and sorrow and create a world of altruistic joy.
The course is open to those who have the six session commitment. Please bring your copies of the long, medium and short six session guru yoga either on paper or on your tablet. We will follow the usual format of four sessions a day, a discussion and energy moving exercises (variations on chi gong).
A message from Paula: I took my first six session guru yoga commitment from Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 1981 during a month-long Mahamudra course where we did the practice at least 4 times a day. By the end of the month, the long version was memorised effortlessly and has been a favourite meditation ever since then.
Please bring a copy of the FPMT Retreat Prayer Book. You can find a downloadable version by clicking here
Six-Session Guru Yoga Arranged by Phabongkha Dechen Nyingpo Translated by Joona Repo
Calling the Guru From Afar English pdf
Padmasambhava Prayer pdf
Mahamudra Meditation.pdf
Notes on Five Dhyani Buddhas
Method to transform a suffering life into Happiness
Prayer for blessing the food
Dedication Verses
Transforming Problems Exercise
Thirty Five Confession Buddha Practice
Multiplying Mantras
Hanna Somatics
Retreat Recordings
Day 1 – Friday 17th
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
Recording 4
Recording 5
Day 2 – Saturday 18th
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
Recording 4
Recording 5
Day 3 – Sunday 19th
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
Recording 4
Recording 5
Day 4 – Monday 20th
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
Recording 4
Recording 5
Day 5 – Tuesday 21st
Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
Recording 4
Recording 5
Day 6 – Wednesday 22nd
Recording 1
Recording 2
About the Teacher
Paula began her studies of Buddhism when she was 14 at Berkeley High School in California where she realized liberating delusion was key to healing our planet and its inhabitants. The focus on systems theory and ecology at university prepared her to apply the whole body/mind/culture/ environment to this ancient contemplative discipline of human transformation.
As a dancer, healer, singer, student of psychology and ecology, she brings all these elements into the understanding of the whole person and how tantra works in this greater context – while preserving the classical format of Lama Tsong Khapa’s ear-whispered lineage.
Inspired by the example of the meditators in Dharamsala and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, she devoted the last 34 years to following the guidance those she calls her awesome, amazing teachers, primarily Lama Thubten Yeshe, Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche and Kyabje Ribur Rinpoche. — which included 24 years preparing for and completing long retreats — 2 of which were 4 year solitary great maha-anuttara yoga retreats.
She studies with teachers from all 4 schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Her goal in life has been steady since childhood: to realize Mahamudra and do all she can to bring peace and environmental justice to our world.
Find out more about Paula and many other materials and resources which can support you in your practice on her website:
A Way to Say Thank You
As we don’t receive any subsidies from other organisations we rely solely on the kind generosity of others. If you would like to make a donation to help us cover our considerable monthly costs (including via an online bank transfer or postal cheque), please choose the amount you would like to offer using the form below (or enter a custom amount), click ‘Donate’, then choose a payment method and provide all the details we require to process your donation. Your generosity will help us continue to offer beneficial services to yourself and others.
You may also like to make a regular contribution to the centre by becoming a Branch of Joy. This kind of support gifts us a steady and ongoing income, which in turn provides the confidence and means for us to continue to flourish for many years to come.
Thank you and may you be happy.
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