Date: Tuesday 26th November – Saturday 30th November
Retreat Leader: Marina Brucet Vinyals
Requirements: In order to participate in this retreat, one must ideally have taken refuge and follow the Buddhist path. Otherwise, one should have some knowledge of Buddhism and its practices. It is not necessary to have received the Vajrasattva initiation or jenang.
Cost: Generosity Model – Donation only (via the donation form at the bottom of the page; no suggested amount).
Format: Online
Schedule: There will be two sessions led by Marina at 10am – 12pm and 2pm – 4pm. You will be doing your own sessions outside these led sessions which Marina will introduce during the first session.
About the Retreat
“We need a powerful purification practice like the tantric yoga method of Heruka Vajrasattva to destroy both the energy forces of the ignorant mind and the negative actions of body and speech that arise from it.” – Lama Thubten Yeshe
The Vajrasattva practice acts at many levels, from purifying the mind from negativities and ignorance, to help healing inner bounds, emotional hindrances, and difficult experiences with which we struggle. It clears the way and lays the ground for practice, both psychologically and spiritually.
In the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism, the practice of Vajrasattva is one of the preliminary practices, which are traditionally done before engaging in long retreat. This retreat is a wonderful opportunity to purify and clear the mind with the practice and mantra of Vajrasattva.
We will follow the sadhana of Heruka Vajrasattva composed by Lama Thubten Yeshe, and meditations on the gradual path to enlightenment (Lam Rim) will be included. There will be sessions to explain and clarify aspects of the practice, as well as Q&A sessions. The retreat will mostly take place in an atmosphere of silence.
Please bring the meditation manual “Vajrasattva Retreat Sadhanas”, which can be found on the FPMT website:
The Preliminary Practice of Vajrasattva, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, FPMT booklet:
Becoming Vajrasattva, The Tantric Path of Purification, Lama Thubten Yeshe, Wisdom Publications.
Teachings From the Vajrasattva Retreat, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive.
Rob Preece, Preparing for Tantra: Creating the Psychological Ground for Practice, Snow Lion
Information about Your Health
Please be aware that meditation practice is in general not recommended for people suffering from severe depression, severe anxiety and other serious mental and emotional problems. If you have or are suffering from one of those, it’s important that you have asked your therapist if it is appropriate for you to do a meditation retreat, as well as that you feel stable and relaxed enough to participate. In any case, everyone is the final responsible about the decision of participating in this retreat.
About the Teacher