Offering Holy Objects and Ritual Items

Traditionally, Buddhists create the positive potential for people and projects in a number of ways, including offering Pujas, reciting prayers, hanging prayer flags and creating holy objects. Land of Joy does all of these things to create positivity for our whole community and all beings, as well as the success of the centre so we can continue to thrive.

How do we do this?

We do this in a number of ways, including through our regular programme of prayers and ceremonies (Pujas), such as a daily Lama Chopa practice and regular Tara, Medicine Buddha and Lama Chopa (with Tsog) pujas which are practiced according to the Tibetan calendar. In addition, we also offer Sur practice, protector practices, light offerings, hang prayer flags, host a monthly Kalarupa practice and maintain beautiful alters which we offer lights, water and incense to every day.

What does it Require?

These practices often require the use of ritual and other items such as the following:

  • Food and flower offerings for the altar
  • Saffron for water bowl offerings
  • Materials for Torma making
  • Ordinary & electronic candles (battery powered)
  • Incense
  • Photo frames for deities and holy beings
  • Light Chains & Lotus Lights
  • Prayer Flags
  • Special substances
  • Printing & binding practice texts

A selection of Offerings

Puja set up

Practice Texts

Getting Involved

The costs of using these items adds up to a surprisingly large amount, particularly the food, flowers, incense and batteries for lights. Therefore we have created our ritual items fund as a way of helping us cover these costs whilst enabling you create skies of positive potential from the comfort of your home.

For example, making a donation to the fund would help us buy batteries for the electronic candles we use on the altars which would mean you will create the merit of making light offerings to the holy objects on the altar for as long as those batteries last. Such a simple, yet powerful way of being involved with what happens at Land of Joy and creating positive potential for yourself and others.

Alternatively, you may like to sponsor a puja for yourself, a loved one or the success of a project. This can be done here.

Many thanks for your wish to help us. It is very much appreciated and will truly make a difference to the centre and those we benefit. Please you the form below if you would like to make a donation.