Date: 20th – 22nd October 2023
Retreat Leader: David Midgley
About the Retreat
The supremely important role of compassion in healing the deep problems of human life is now increasingly widely recognised not only within the Buddhist community but in the wider world, including in the fields of mental health, social policy, and even in business leadership and politics.
Using this combined traditional + contemporary approach, this retreat will introduce a range of guided practices designed to enable us to bring greater compassion to all aspects of our personal and work life. There will also be interactive sessions where, through sharing our experiences and insights, we can support each other to grow into Compassion Warriors!
While as Buddhists we may sincerely wish to extend compassion to all beings, it can be difficult to really put this into practice amid the challenges of work and family life, relationships and all the stresses of modern life. The emergence of secular programmes such as Thupten Jinpa’s Compassion Cultivation Training, combining the core practices of traditional Buddhism with contemporary scientific psychology, has brought new insights and useful techniques that can greatly help with integrating compassion into our life away from the meditation cushion.
Friday 20th October
First Meditation
Saturday 21st October
Friday 20th October
Second Meditation
Importance of Self-Compassion
Meditation on Self-Compassion
Finding your Life’s Purpose
Meditation on Loving-Kindness
Common Humanity – the Basis for Equanimity
Meditation on Equanimity
Expanding your Circle of Compassion
Meditation: Compassion for a ’Difficult Person’
Sunday 22nd October
Meditation on Unconditional Compassion
How Compassion Might Change the World